When I Bring My Svg To Xtool Its Solid Black

When you import an SVG into software like xTool and it appears as a solid black shape, the issue typically lies in how the SVG was designed or exported. Here are some common reasons and fixes:

1. Fill vs. Stroke Settings

Problem: Your SVG may have the Fill property set to solid black and no stroke, causing it to appear filled in xTool.


  • Open the SVG in design software like Adobe Illustrator, Inkscape, or similar.
  • Check the Fill and Stroke settings.
    • Set the Fill to “None” or choose a specific color if needed.
    • Ensure the Stroke is set to outline the shape.

In Inkscape:

  • Select the object.
  • Open the Fill and Stroke panel (Shift + Ctrl + F).
    • Set Fill to “None” in the Fill tab.
    • Set a proper Stroke color in the Stroke Paint tab.

2. Layering Issues

Problem: Your SVG might have multiple layers, and the black layer is on top, blocking other elements.


  • Open the SVG in your design software and check the Layers panel.
  • Ensure that no solid black layer is covering other parts of the design. Adjust layer order as necessary.

3. Export Settings

Problem: Incorrect export settings can cause the SVG to merge all objects into a solid shape.

Solution: When exporting the file:

  • Select the option to Preserve Layers or Outline Stroke, depending on your software.
  • Consider exporting as a “Plain SVG” rather than a format specific to a software like Inkscape (i.e., “Inkscape SVG”).

4. xTool Software Settings

Problem: The xTool software might be interpreting the SVG incorrectly, leading to a solid black result.


  • Check the import settings within xTool.
  • Ensure that it properly distinguishes between Fills and Strokes. Enable or disable certain import options like “Fill shapes” or “Stroke to paths” to resolve the issue.

5. SVG Compatibility

Problem: The SVG file might not be fully compatible with xTool software due to the way paths and layers are structured.


  • Re-save the SVG file in a simpler format by converting all objects to paths.
  • In Inkscape, you can select everything, then go to Path > Object to Path to ensure compatibility.

6. Use an SVG Repair Tool

Problem: The SVG might have structural issues, making it difficult for xTool to render properly.

Solution: Use an online tool like SVGOMG to clean and optimize your SVG. This can remove unnecessary data and make the file more compatible with xTool.

By following these guidelines, your SVG should render correctly in xTool, without appearing as a solid black shape.

Ben Jamin
Ben Jamin
Articles: 8